Pipeline Company – Market Leading Corporation – Global

An industry leader in almost every aspect of the energy and chemical manufacturing businesses, they operate facilities or market products in most of the world’s countries and explore for oil and natural gas on six continents.

This company’s guiding principle is: “We are committed to being the world’s premier petroleum and chemical manufacturing company. To that end, we must continuously achieve superior financial and operating results while adhering to high ethical standards.

This is what that means to them in terms of their employees: “The exceptional quality of our workforce provides a valuable competitive edge. To build on this advantage, we will strive to hire and retain the most qualified people available and to maximize their opportunities for success through training and development. We are committed to maintaining a safe work environment enriched by diversity and characterized by open communication, trust, and fair treatment.”

The Issue:

The company referenced in this case study was the principal on a large-scale project to develop natural resources in an extremely rough environment with many complexities associated with it.

In order to ensure that not only their own employees were trained, guided and coached on ensuring a high level of involvement and engagement on the project, they also included all their contractors in the roll-out of a large-scale cultural programme across the entire project.

As part of our value proposition, our organisation offers a premium service to overseas organisations that want to establish themselves in Australasia. We provide cost-effective turnkey solutions which cover the following areas which are critical for any organisation looking to establish themselves in a foreign region:

The organisation referenced in this case-study had been very successful in a large number of countries around the world but had not yet established themselves in Australia. SageFlow provided the above-mentioned value proposition to them and they were very keen to work together on this opportunity.

They recognised that they did not have the expertise on the ground and welcomed the idea of a trusted affiliate partner on the ground who was able to identify the opportunities and establish trusted relationships with key stakeholders in the region.

What we did:

We had a number of strategic meetings with their Executive Leadership team in order to understand their organisation, their way of running their business and the overall vision and mission of the company. We used our proven Assessment guide to gain this understanding and to develop a strategic plan for the region based on the potential we saw for them throughout the region. Going through this exercise together with them provided us with critical information which drove the rest of the strategy going forward.

Understanding these elements proved critical to ensuring that we would be able to identify the right opportunities for them in the region and to establish trusted relationships with the key stakeholders who would be instrumental to the future success of the organisation.

As the key opportunities for the company were linked to a number of regulated services across the region, which were different depending on the State they would establish themselves in, the identification and generation of trusted relationships was not an easy feed.

The Result:

Through a lot of engagement meetings with various executives from various departments and associated organisations, we were able to build these trusted relationships.

Each of the different stages we have gone through as part of this engagement has offered the company the opportunity to establish themselves in the region and has enabled them to include Australasia onto their long list of successful regions in which they operate.
