Medium Size FMCG Company in Spain.


Company has recently failed to effectively implement innovative product ideas on time. Only 3 out of 12 initiatives were implemented on time, and only 4 out 12 met profit and share expectations.

As a result, company results were only a 4% growth vs expected 15%, and also below the 10% growth achieved through initiatives in the past two years

Marketing claims their Brand Management system works, agencies deliver, but there are delays in Manufacturing and Sales execution.


SageFlow did an analysis of the Marketing Organisation and their relationship with other functions: R&D, Sales (including Merchant Center of Excellence), F&A, Procurement, and Manufacturing. SageFlow analysed all 15 elements of our Assessment Guide. With focus on cross-functional areas.



SageFlow organised a series of workshops with the Management Committee, and their Directors, designed the ideal future in each area, and also defined the ideal organisation, together with Core Principles and Procedures. The dream stage was defined as The Agile Company. However, it was decided to fix the basic areas now, see how it works for a year, then implement the Agile Stage. So, for the first year, these were the actions:


Although the changes were implemented in February 2019, the two initiatives that have been launched over that period have exceeded expectations. Too soon to read actual profit and share gains.
